Solving Wildfire Podcast
Conversations with Innovators in Wildfire.
6 episodes
Jonathan Collazo, Derek Stevens - Ostrich Air - Robotics & Drones
The team at Ostrich Air and Firebot Labs has a strong record of overcoming both technological hurdles for robotic systems, and regulatory hurdles for drones. T...
Season 1
Episode 6
Vienna Cornish - Lookout
Vienna spent the last 6 years stationed at a Lookout Tower in southern Idaho, interacting across several agencies for all aspects of forest management. She took a round-about path to her career in land management, and shares many thoughtful and...
Season 1
Episode 4
Ziv Marom, Kaizen Aero - Heavy Lift Drones
Ziv has built Kaizen Aero by serving a wide array of clients with heavy lift (500 lbs) and long duration drones (up to 5 hours). Clients range from NASA and the Navy, to Google and John Deere, having started i...
Season 1
Episode 3